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Writer's pictureKent Long

The Best Fire Gloves in the Universe: For cooking and tending a fire camping

Updated: Sep 13, 2022

The Best Campfire Gloves in the Universe:

When it comes to campfire gloves, there is no such thing as too safe. You want a pair of gloves that will protect your hands from the heat while you're cooking or tending to the fire, and you don't want to have to worry about them burning or melting. In this blog post, we will discuss the best campfire gloves in the universe and how to keep your hands safe while enjoying an amazing campfire!

The Best in Campfire Cooking Gloves

While on an RV camping trip, in your backyard, or picnic if you love to cook over the campfire , a useful piece of equipment to have with you is a good pair of gloves designed specifically for making and tending to a fire. To some, they may seem like unnecessary; however, avid campers will question why they haven't already purchased them.

Gloves for camping have the added benefit of keeping your hands protected from the heat of the fire while you prepare your favorite meals. Cooking with an open flame may imply higher temperatures than cooking on an RV stove or at home. There had been too many times I have put a dutch oven or cast iron skillet in the fire and then thought now how in the world am I going to get that out of there without burning my hands. Usually people have some pot holders but they do not hold up to the heat of smoking hot fire.

  • A layer of material on the outside that will not burn or melt near hot surfaces with our 3 layers of leather and kevlar threading these are the go to campfire gloves everyone should have.

  • They are thick enough to shield your hands from extreme heat.

  • They are loose fitting to allow the user to easily slip them on and off and be able to remove them quickly in case of a spill

  • 100% insulated lining with heat-resistant aluminum foil offering your hands comfort and heat resistance, Specifically made for working over the campfire.

  • The Gloves are made from 1.5mm thick and soft shoulder split natural cowhide leather which is heat resistant, wear-resistant, puncture resistant, cut resistant, oil resistant. Reinforced double leather stitching and high strength sewing on the finger, palm.

  • INCLUDED CARRYING BAG: The included carrying bag prevents excess soot or dirt from soiling your camper, tent or home.

Although campfire cooking is a great time, I always worry about hurting myself with the fire. Is there any way to cook over a fire without getting burned?

There are several ways you can avoid injury when cooking on an open flame. Planning ahead and preparing your gear before starting the fire will help immensely. Secondly, make sure to wear clothing that covers exposed skin and protect yourself from splatters. These gloves will protect the majority of your arms and forearms as they are 16 inches in length. Third, use recipes that don’t require a lot of oil or grease to reduce the risk of dangerous flare-ups. Finally, have safety equipment like a fire extinguisher readily available in case things get out of hand, and find a safe place to store hot pans away from curious children or pets once you’re finished cooking.

Campfire cooking can be safe if you follow the tips below! You don’t have to fear the flames anymore, just maintain a healthy respect for them. Some of these tips may surprise you since they aren’t always obvious.

Setting up a safe campfire for cooking

At long day camping we want everyone to be as safe as possible while cooking over the fire. When it comes to cooking over a fire, one thing that many individuals neglect is having a strategy in place before they even light the first match. To begin, make sure the wind is suitable for a fire. If the tree branches around you are being blown about by the wind, it’s too strong to start a fire. Check your local forecast and see if winds will decrease so you can cook at your location later or if you’ll need plan B!

Will you be grilling over a barbecue grill with coals on sticks or with a tripod? These are all things to ask yourself before you start your fire.

Cooking with a grill grate

Always set up your grill grate before lighting the fire, so you know exactly where it goes and how it works. Trying to fidget with a grill that’s unlevel or won’t stay put once you’re close to an open flame is practically asking for burns!

Finally, you should not set your grill grate over a fire that is too large for it. You will certainly burn your meal to ashes, as well as yourself! Organize the fire around the cook by making a dry run and determining how high the flames should be and how big of a fire you should start. Our campfire gloves make this part so convenient to move logs around and put things in place for cooking.

Cooking with coals

Where will you put your chimney starter while lighting it? It will have flames shooting out of the top and become extremely hot, so think ahead and plan where you’ll set it up so that you don’t burn yourself or others (such as children playing).

What location will the real cook be? Will it take place in the fire pit or in a ring, or elsewhere? If you can’t use the fire pit because there’s a fire in it, consider using a charcoal grill in your cook set-up to keep everyone safe. Cooking with coals is my favorite form of cooking over a fire. We cook with Dutch ovens and pots right in the coals, but they get extremely hot and are very dangerous to get out of the fire without great fire gloves. You are in luck these fire gloves are perfection when it comes to pulling hot things out of the fire.

Cooking with sticks

Roasting your food on sticks is an easy and versatile way of campfire cooking, but you can still burn yourself if you’re not careful (I speak from experience).

It’s common knowledge to keep a safe distance from fire, but what do you do with metal skewers once they’re done cooking? Have a plan and tell your kids and guests in advance where to put their hot sticks so that no one accidentally steps on them or touches them.

Another thing to consider when roasting marshmallows is the length of your stick! Because marshmallows are composed entirely of sugar and are extremely combustible, they frequently (or always) catch fire, requiring someone to blow them out. If you’re using a longer roasting stick, it’s tough to blow it out since it’s too far away from your face.

This has happened when I used longer, heavier-duty hot dog roasters at our fire. The individual begins to panic as a result of the out-of-control torch at the end of their stick! When people are panicking, they tend to make poor judgments. Someone could easily get burned if someone makes a hasty decision.

For marshmallows, use the low-cost roasting rods that aren’t as lengthy so that the flaming marshmallows may be blown out more easily.

Campfire tripod cooking

Always set up your tripod before starting a fire. If you have experience with campfire tripods, then you know they’re not always the most stable objects when the legs aren’t in the precise position. For example, if the tripod has to hold a heavy cast-iron dutch oven full of sloshing chili above an open flame, it’s best to avoid any struggles at that point.

Practice with your tripod before using it for the real thing. Find out how high you need the wood and flames to be, and build your campfire according to those measurements. Also, make sure that your tripod is secure and ready BEFORE igniting the fire. Once it’s all set up, leave it there so you can use it multiple times without risking getting burned by moving it around. These fire gloves again come in super handy when taking off the pot from a tripod.

Using the right equipment for same campfire cooking

If you want to do more than simply roast things on sticks, then you will need some safety equipment in order to avoid burning yourself. I tried to take the “minimalism” route at first and it was a really scary experience. So get some gear!

Make sure your gear is also easily accessible in case of an emergency. You don’t want to have to search for it when time is of the essence!

Campfire Gloves

You won’t burn your hands if you don’t protect them during campfire cooking, but you will if you don’t. Fortunately, modern technology has brought us heat-protective gloves that are both heat resistant and affordable! Our leather heat resistant gloves are durable and perfect for campfire cooking.

These gloves can be used for more than just grabbing hot cooking tools and dishes; you can also use them to rearrange the wood in the fire, or add another log to keep the fire going. They are perfect in the winter also to keep your hands warm in the snow.

Check out the gloves in our store: Campfire Gloves

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